Ethical Aspects In Indian Advertising - A Critical Reflection Preethi K., Dr. Rao T. Srinivasa Online published on 12 July, 2013. Summary In today's changing market economy, advertising plays a powerful and constructive role for any company to compete and survive. On the contrary, it also plays a negative role in hurting the sentiments of an individual or the society. Hence, it is important that advertising professionals observe high ethical standards with regard to truthfulness, human dignity and social responsibilities. Advertising, using media as its vehicle, is a powerful force shaping attitudes and behavior in modern society. At times it goes beyond the traditional role of ‘fair and truthful’ information and portraits obscene, undesirable and unethical scenes giving a detrimental result especially on the young population of the society. Keeping this in view, this paper attempts to focuses on ethical conflicts in advertising arising out of exaggerated claims, false promises and misinforming the buyers, thus breaches the laws of ethics and ethical code. Top | |
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