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Submission of articles/papers for publication shall be through email editor@jcmt.net only. Script shall be in MS WORD document, typed in Times New Roman font. The paper when submitted be formatted in APA style preferably in the following order: Executive Summary (15-30 lines) Abstract (With Key Words, 8-15 Lines),Text of the paper (Introduction, Background/Literature review, Analysis /Discussions, Findings, Conclusions) Appendices: Statistical Table (if any), Endnotes, References, Author's profile with email ID. Process of communication for the acceptance of manuscript for publication takes period of 6-8 weeks. No correspondence is possible on articles not selected for publication. The articles published elsewhere in languages other than English will also be accepted if submitted with the English translation.The conference papers, archival papers, articles of particular merit that have received limited circulation through house journals, reports and news letters are re published with the names of original author(s) and source. The author shall become a member of ABEED (Association for Business Education & EntrepreneurshipDevelopment) by paying the necessary fee and postal charges. It is our policy to promote new authors. The readers are free to use JCMT contents for teaching, reviewing and further advancing knowledge for all.

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