Extent of Adoption of Best Practices by Award Winning Agripreneurs of Tamil Nadu Vimalraj G., Singh Rashmi, Vijayaragavan K. Division of Agricultural Extension, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012 Abstract Agripreneurship is required to create opportunities of improving the yield potential and net income of the farmers. Many factors play a vital role in their success. Farming practices adopted varies with farmer and region to region. Certain practices which enable farmers to get higher yields utilizing sustainable and optimal methods are known as best practices or best farming practices. The study explored extent of adoption of best practices as listed by FAO. It was aimed to explore whether adoption of these best practices was a contributor to the success of agrienterprises of achiever farmers. The list of awardee farmers were obtained from TNAU and KVKs. Analysing the response given by thirty award winning farmers, these practices were studied in respect of their extent of adoption with their success in agripreneurship. The study revealed a positive and significant relationship between agripreneurial success and extent of adoption of best farming practices. Top Keywords Adoption, best practices, KVKs, TNAU. Top | |
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