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Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development
Year : 2010, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 78) Last page : ( 80)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047.

Participatory Evaluation of Selected Interventions of IVLP Programme

Bhat B.A., Ahmad Hakim Shabir

Department of Extension and Communication, AAI-Deemed University, Allahabad-211 003 (UP)

Received:  August,  2010; Revised:  November,  2010.


The study was conducted to analyse the performance of selected interventions of IVLP programme by the farmers as a part of the National Agricultural Technology project (NATP) on technology Assessment and Refinement through institution village linkage programme (IVLP). The technological interventions which produced best results at the farmers level (without any major constraint) were evaluated irrespective of their resourcefulness. It was observed during the study that there was a substantial increase in area as well as in the number of farmers adopted IVLP interventions. Among the participating farmers high level of adoption was found in the case of H.Y.V.s. of different crops and vegetables.



Assessment, participatory evaluation, IVLP.


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