Impact of Age and Gender on Musculo-skeletal Problems of the Dairy Workers Chauhan Deepali, Dayal Rekha Department of Family Resource ManagementCollege of Home Science, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur-208 002 (UP) Abstract Work related musculo-skeletal disorders are one of the greatest occupational health concern today. The Dairy farming which supports the livelihood of nearly two hundred million poors, also exposes the dairy workers to various risk factors that have been associated with musculo-skeletal disorders. Dairy farming in India involves heterogeneous groups of dairy workers in terms of both age and gender. Thus, in present study an attempt has been made to find out the impact of age and gender on musculo-skeletal problems of dairy workers engaged in milking and preparing food for cattle. Musculo-skeletal problems among dairy workers were studied by assessing intensity of body pain in upper and lower extremity of dairy workers through five point scale. Findings of study reveal that females in comparison to male workers are more susceptible to risks factors responsible for various musculo-skeletal problems. Further, females of the higher age groups are more prone to musculo-skeletal disorders than the females of lower age group. On the basis of above findings, it can be concluded that age and gender of dairy workers have a significant impact on development of various musculo-skeletal problems. Top Keywords Age, gender, milking, musculo-skeletal problems, preparing food for cattle. Top | |
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