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Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development
Year : 2010, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 60) Last page : ( 63)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047.

Impact Assessment of Resource Conservation Technologies (RCTs) in Irrigated Areas of Pratapgarh District of Uttar Pradesh

Singh J.B.1, Singh Y.P.2, Kumar Jitender2

1KVK, Kalakankar, Pratapgarh-230 002

2KVK, Delhi-110 025

Received:  August,  2010; Revised:  September,  2010.


One of the major cropping systems of Pratapgarh is rice-wheat grown on the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP). It is a major system for food security in the region and provides livelihoods and income to farmers and workers. Continuously, need is being felt to explore the possibilities of saving critical inputs by adopting alternative resources conservative technologies as zero tillage. Main aim of this case study was to see the impact of zero tillage technology in rice-wheat system. Economic analysis of the data presented in this paper shows that zero tillage method for wheat cultivation is the most economical and attractive option for farming community. The high yield grain and less cost of production per hectare were noted on zero tillage farms as compared with conventional farms. Finally, the adoption of zero tillage technology and direct seeded rice improves farmer's profit, improves his livelihood and eventually reduces poverty.



RTC, wheat cultivation, indo-gangetic plains.


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