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Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development
Year : 2010, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 47) Last page : ( 50)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047.

Socio-cultural Traditions and Source of Information used by Yak Pastoralist of Eastern Himalayan Region in India

Burman Chintu Deb, Singh B.P., Tiwari Rupasi

Division of Extension Education, Indian Veterianry Research Institute, Izatnagar-243 122 (UP)

Received:  June,  2010; Revised:  October,  2010.


Yak husbandry is a major source of livelihood for the highlanders in extremely harsh climatic condition of the alpine region due to rare existence of other livestock species. Yak contribute immensely in social and economic life of yak herdsmen. Head of villages is the only major and accessible source of information for yak herdsmen. The study was conducted in eastern Himalayan states wherein it was found that yak herdsmen consider yak rearing as a mark of prosperity and lead to higher social status in society. The study reveals that yak rearing communities are closely connected to the yak culturally, socially and is impossible to define their identity without this animal. Newspaper, farm publication and field trip/tour were not accessible to the yak herdsmen in the states because of low literacy among yak herdsmen and poor livestock extension system.



Eastern Himalaya region, information source, pastoralist.


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