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Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development
Year : 2010, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 19) Last page : ( 22)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047.

Technological Gap in Feeding Practices of Dairy Animals in Jhansi District

Meena B.S., Pandey Sadhna1, Sharma Purushottam1, Tak Ata-Ul-Munim

National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132 001, Haryana

1Indian Grassland and Foddeer Research Institute, Jhansi-284 002 (UP)

Received:  May,  2010; Revised:  October,  2010.


The low average milk production by the Indian cattle and buffaloes can be attributed to several reasons. The study was conducted in Jhansi district of Bundelkhand region. Respondents were selected through proportionate random sampling technique. The results of the study showed that the farmers had high technological gap in feeding practices of dairy animals. It was found that respondents had high technological gap on colostrum feeding and quantity of milk to be fed to newborn calves. The findings were justified as farmers were having less knowledge on this aspect. It was observed that small farmers concentrated their mind on care of advanced pregnant animals. Land less and marginal farmers had more technological gap as well as less number of wet animals in their herd.



Technological gap, feeding practices, dairy animals.


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