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Year : 2024, Volume : 19, Issue : spl
First page : ( 246) Last page : ( 250)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047. Online ISSN : 2231-6736. Published online : 2024 March 29.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-6736.2024.00077.2

Knowledge of women regarding women empowerment schemes in Bikaner district of Rajasthan

Sharma Manisha1,*, Sareen Neena2

1Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Extension Education and Communication Management, College of Community Science, SKRAU, Bikaner, Rajasthan

2Professor, Department of Extension Education and Communication Management, College of Community Science, SKRAU, Bikaner, Rajasthan

*Corresponding author email id: mannni14.sharma@gmail.com

Online Published on 30 March, 2024.

Received:  08  December,  2023; Accepted:  31  January,  2024.


Women empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender or economic strength of individuals and communities of women. Policies on Women empowerment exist at the national, state and local (Panchayat) levels in many sectors, including health, education, economic opportunities, and gender based violence and political participation. Hence the Govt. of India launched many schemes especially for women. Hence to find out the actual progress of the schemes at ground level, it was essential to examine the extent of knowledge about the scheme in women, whether the women are aware of those schemes or not, whether they have easy access to these schemes or not, whether they are getting benefits of these schemes or not, what are the difficulties women are facing. Hence, an attempt will be made to study the knowledge of the women about the selected women empowerment schemes, and the constraints faced by them in gaining the benefits of the selected schemes. The knowledge may vary from person to person. Therefore a study to measure knowledge of the respondents on selected women empowerment schemes was undertaken. The study was conducted in both rural and urban area. For rural area out of nine panchayat samiti Bikaner panchayat samiti was selected, from Bikaner one gram panchayat namely husangsar was selected and two villages namely Husangsar and Nagasar were selected. For urban area out of two zones i.e. (East and West) two wards namely ward no. 58 (east zone) and ward no. 39 (west zone). Thirty respondents were selected from each village and each ward thus selecting 120 respondents. A self–structured interview schedule was used to collect the information through personal interview to check the knowledge of the respondents about women empowerment schemes. Majority of the respondents had medium knowledge level of women empowerment schemes.



Knowledge, Women empowerment.


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