Gender differences in academic adjustment and interpersonal support Among University Students Kaur Rajinder*, Sharma Seema Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana–141004, Punjab *Corresponding author email id: iamrajinderkaur@gmail.com
Online Published on 30 March, 2024. Abstract The study was conducted in three universities of GNDU, Amritsar; PAU, Ludhiana and PUP, Patiala of Punjab, India to investigate the gender differences and relationship between academic adjustment and interpersonal support among university students of Punjab. The sample consisted of 480 university students randomly selected from three chosen purposively government universities. An equal number of students are distributed across both genders. The academic adjustment of the university students was measured using the Academic Adjustment Scale and Interpersonal Support Evaluation scale to measure the peer support available to university students. Data were analyzed using a t-test and Karl-Pearson’s coefficient of correlation. The results also showed that female students displayed significantly better academic adjustment and interpersonal support as compared to male students. Top Keywords Academic adjustment, Interpersonal support, University students. Top | | | |
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