Social media visibility of Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s of India Singh Prashish1, Jirli Basavaprabhu2, Ghadei Kalyan3, Roy Priyanka1,*, Shilpa Bolleboina4 1Ph.D. Scholars, Department of Extension Education, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, UP 2Director Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research (CMDR) (An ICSSR Institute), Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Near Y. Shettar Colony, Dharwad–580004, Karnataka 3Ph.D. Scholars, Department of Extension Education, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, UP 4Consultant Manager, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, MANAGE, Manage Road, Police Quaters, Rajendranagar Mandal, Hyderabad–500030, Telangana *Corresponding author email id:
Online Published on 30 March, 2024. Abstract This study conducted during March-August, 2021, aimed to analyze the social media usage patterns of scientists in Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), a recognized extension service and education system in India. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 150 KVK scientists in 145 KVKs across 24 states and union territories. The results showed that the majority of KVKs had independent websites (85.33%) and Facebook pages (72.00%), while less than two-thirds had YouTube channels (60.00%) and Twitter handles (59.33%). Almost all KVKs (97.33%) were part of WhatsApp groups for farmers/stakeholders, but only a small percentage had Instagram accounts (15.33%). The study also revealed that the frequency of updating varied across platforms, with some KVKs facing challenges due to insufficient funds and lack of internet facilities. Top Keywords Krishi Vigyan Kendra, KVK professionals, Social media, Social media participation, Website. Top |