Efficiency of farm diversification in Haryana Jose Elizabeth1,*, Ponnusamy K.2, Kamboj M.L.3 1Research Scholar, Dairy Extension Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana 2Principal Scientist, Dairy Extension Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana 3Principal Scientist, LPM Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana *Corresponding author email id: joseelizabeth987@gmail.com
Online Published on 30 March, 2024. Abstract The present study aimed to assess the efficiency of farm diversification was conducted in Kaithal, Hisar and Bhiwani districts of Haryana during 2021 by selecting 180 farmers. The efficiency of farm diversification was assessed through Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR). In this study, enterprises which have shown higher BC ratio (>2) are sheep (3-3.8), piggery (2.4-2.66), apiary (2.55), mushroom (4.8), ber (5-6) and cauliflower (2.6-5). Kaithal district reported the highest farm diversification efficiency of 2.46 followed by Bhiwani (1.88) and then by Hisar (1.64). Availability of fertile soil, increased area under irrigation, better marketing and transportation facility were the major reasons for Kaithal to score the highest Benefit Cost ratio compared to Hisar and Bhiwani districts. The findings of the present study would act as supporting evidence for the potential enterprises that can contribute to achieve diversification in farming sector of Haryana. Top Keywords Farm diversification, Benefit – Cost Ratio, Enterprises, Haryana. Top |