Content Analysis of Rural Development Issues of Kurukshetra Magazine Sachan Divya1*, Borah Sayanika2 1Research Scholar 2Assistant Professor, Department of Extension and Communication Management, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013, Assam *Corresponding author email id:
Abstract Kurukshetra is the leading magazine on rural development issues. This is the platform where academicians, planners, NGOs and thinkers discuss issues on rural development. The present study entitled “Content analysis of rural development issues of Kurukshetra magazine” was undertaken to analyze the contents of magazine. Twelve issues of selected magazine from August 2018 to August 2019 were taken up for the purpose of content analysis. The study revealed that in contents of the selected magazine articles, photographs, illustrations, news, success stories, editorials and advertisements occupied the space in the descending order. Among articles rural empowerment issues obtained maximum space (5107.9 cm) followed by health and sanitation (5, 019.79 cm) and Agriculture (3238.7 cm). Issues related to rural budgeting occupied less space (500.4 cm) in compare in to other issues. Among rural empowerment issues majority of the articles were related to rural employment. Top Keywords Content analysis, Empowerment, Health and Sanitation, Magazine, Rural. Top |