Prospects of Integrated Farming System in Punjab Singh Jagwinder, Riar T.S., Garg Lavleesh* Department of Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141001, Punjab *Corresponding author email id: lovleesh@pau.edu
Abstract The present study was undertaken to analyse the most profitable integrated farming system and high employment generating farming system under Punjab conditions. Various farming systems approaches are being practiced by the farmers of Punjab which fulfill their needs by maintaining balance of ecology. They manage farm enterprises like crops, dairying, poultry, fishery, sericulture, piggery, tree crops etc. in such a way that they could get more profit from these multiple enterprises. The study was conducted in five agro ecological zones in Punjab and two villages were selected from each agro ecological zone. The total number of200 respondents was selected for the study in which 100 respondents were engaged in integrated farming and 100 were engaged in non-integrated farming. It was found that nearly half of the farmers adopting integrated farming system belonged to middle age group with nuclear families. The level of education of major category involved is upto matriculate level with less social participation. (Crop + Dairy) and (Crop + Dairy + Fruits) were major integrated systems practiced by most of the respondents. The results indicated that the plans of direct marketing and contracts with private companies are more prominent than direct export. The main sources of interest were their own interest and high profits. All the farmers agreed that Integrated farming system fulfill diverse needs of agriculture. Top Keywords Benefits, Future prospects, Integrated farming system, Problems, Punjab. Top | | | |
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