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Year : 2021, Volume : 16, Issue : 1
First page : ( 245) Last page : ( 254)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047. Online ISSN : 2231-6736. Published online : 2021  09.

Dairy Cattle Nutrition Technologies: Pre and Post Intervention Awareness and its Retention in Relation with Independent Variables

Aparna, Kansal S.K.2, Singh Jaswinder3*, Hundal Jaspal Singh4

1Assistant Professor (Livestock Production), KVK Ropar, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab

2Professor & Head, Department of Extension EducationCOVSc GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab

3Associate Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, COVSc GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab

4Assistant Professor, Department of Extension Education, COVSc GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab

*Corresponding author email id: jaswindervet@rediffmail.com

Received:  01  December,  2020; :  01  ,  2021.


A study was conducted to assess participants knowledge enrichment on dairy nutrition technologies, extent of retention with time laps and its relation with their socio-personal profile, post an awareness intervention. A total of 120 participants of vocational training courses at veterinary versity on dairy farming (n=04)were purposively selected.Ten dairy nutrition technologies were selected namely Mineral mixture (MM), Urea treatment of wheat straw (UTWS), Uromin lick (UL), Silage making, Hay making, Bypass fat (BF), Bypass protein (BP), Total mixed ration (TMR), Buffer and Probiotics. Awareness was tested through binary answer type questions.Maximum score for awareness assay was 10 and minimum was zero.The awareness of farmers was assessed at 0 day of training (pre test), last day (post test-I) and six month after the training (post test-II). Statistical techniques of mean, percentage, Cocharan Q test, Chi Square test, ANOVA & Tukey’s HSD and Correlation were used for compilation of data.Majority respondents (68.3%) were young (18-30 years), were educated above matriculattion. During pre test, awareness varied between 2.5 (Probiotics) -50% (Silage), in post test I awareness improved significantly (P<0.05) (95.8-100%) and declined in Post test II (32.5-100%). Decline was significant for Hay, TMR, Buffers and Probiotics. Inspite of loss, awareness in post test II was significantly higher than pre test. Age, education, herd size were found to affect the awareness level at pre or/and post stage(s). Highest awareness gain was in respondents of >40 yrs age group (91.28%), matriculates (85.79%), >10 yrs of experience (87.2%) and those having herd of <5 animals (84.61%). In pre test independent variables affected awareness but in post test I & II, loss of awareness (from post test I—II) and retention turned out to be statistically similar for all categories. This meant that training camouflaged the influence of independent variables and brought immutable improvement in awareness.



Awareness, Retention of awareness, Independent variables, Dairy cattle nutrition technologies.


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