Awareness of Value-added Flour for Good Health of Farm Women in Udham Singh Nagar District, Uttarakhand Singh Pratibha1*, Tiwari Chandeshwar2, Sharma S.K.3 1Associate Director, Home Science 2Professor, Agronomy 3Associate Director, Fisheries /Animal Science, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kashipur (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology), Bajpur Road, U.S. Nagar-244713, Uttarakhand *Corresponding author email id:
Abstract Women plays an important role in maintaining good health of a family hence extension activities were carried out in selected villages of Udham Singh Nagar. The study focused on awareness generation towards effectiveness of a value-added flour through conducting on farm trials on value added flour. On farm trials were conducted to assess enhancement of health status of farm women through value added flour during rabi, 2015–16, kharif, 2016 and kharif, 2017 in selected villages viz., Anandkhera-1 (Gadarpur block), Khanpur-1 (Gadarpur block), Bannakhera Sani (Bajpur block), respectively. Five trials were conducted with different treatments (T1: Farmers practice, T2: Underweight farm women (<18.4 BMI) with ingredient combination of flour prepared by wheat: chana: barley and T3: Normal weight farm women (18.5-24.9 BMI) with ingredient combination of flour prepared by wheat: chana: barley). The flour was prepared using ingredient combination of wheat: chana: barley in 7:2:1 ratio. Thirty farm women were selected for conducting T2 and T3 trials. There was increase in BMI, knowledge level, mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) and formulation of flour for the preparation of chappati/ paratha in case of farm women. Top Keywords Awareness, Farm Women, Flour, Good Health, Value-added. Top |