Situational Analysis of Guidance Needs of Adolescents Across Various Levels Dhami Manisha1*, Sharma Seema2 1Research Scholar 2Principal Extension Scientist, Human Development & Family Studies, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141001, Punjab *Corresponding author email id: dhami.manisha75@gmail.com
Abstract Adolescents are confronted with multiple stressors which leads to many mental health problems. To identify and compare adolescents’ guidance needs, a sample of 200 adolescents (100 males and 100 females) aged between 16–18 were taken from Government Senior Secondary Schools. The Guidance Needs scale developed by Grewal (1997) was used to identify the guidance needs of students across various levels. Data was analyzed using Z tes t. Irrespective of locale among all guidance needs, the percentage of students falling at high level of guidance need was maximum in vocational guidance needs. No significant difference was found between males and fameless on overall guidance needs. Top Keywords Educational, Guidance, Physical, Psychological, Social, Vocational. Top | | | |
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