Scientifically validated ITK for managing plant pathogenic fungi Arora Sumitra*,1, Kanojia A.K.1, Ahmad N.1 1ICAR-National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012 *Corresponding author email id: sumitraarora@hotmail.com
Abstract In the present investigation a biopesticide formulation (BPF) was prepared indigenously from various plant based and natural ingredients, by standardizing their ratio and proportions, in indigenous cow-urine as solvent, and evaluated for its in-vitro bio-efficacy against various plant pathogenic fungi. The main aim of this study was to validate scientifically the traditional practices for managing diseases of vegetable crops thereby reducing load of synthetic chemical pesticides. One percent of BPF could inhibit the growth of Rhiyoctonia bataticola by 75 per cent Sclerotinia. Sclerotiorum 50 per cent and Pythium aphenidermatum pathogenic fungi by 85 per cent compared with check untreated experiments under laboratory conditions. The organic solvents extracts of BPF were also bio-assayed against various plant pathogenic fungi. The antifungal activity of ethyl acetate extract was observed more promising than that of hexane extract. 100 ppm (0.1%) ethyl acetate extract could inhibit the growth of Alternaria alternata (78%), Sclerotinia rolfsii (88%), Phytopthora infestence (55%); and R. bataticola & F. oxysporum (80–90% with 1000 ppm). Top Keywords Cow urine, Biopesticide, Plant pathogens, Fungitoxicity. Top | | | |
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