Management Trends and SWOT Analysis of Natural Resources at Domestic Level Yadav Sumitra*, Sr. DES (Home Science), Yadav Lali**, Professor *Krishi Gyan Kendra, Mahendragarh, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004. **Department of Home Science Extension Education, College of Home Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004. Abstract Natural resource management at household level assumes significance in effetive utilization of scant resources. SWOT analysis of natural resources of water, cooking fuel and fodder the SWOT analysis of the natural resources as perceived by rural women were found to be quite revealing for generating strategies for better resource utilization. Drinking water from taps though found to be safe, tasty and potable was perceived to be irregular and inadequate in supply. Cooking fuel wood from Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) was found to be quite good as fuel but its durudling plant population was perceived as a threat but fuel wood was found to be costly and more time and energy consuming and causing smoke and root in the house. Fodder crops like berseem and jawar were found to be quite good and nutritious for milch animals, but their irregular availability was a perceived weakness. Scarcity of natural resources of water fuel wood and fodder was ausing social tension and disturbances in the social system. Top | |
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