Knowledge of Rural Youth about Vermi Composting Enterprise Promoted Through Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jeengar K.L., Panwar P., Rathore R.S., Nagar K.C. Krishi Vigyan Kendra; Bhilwara, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, Raj., (India) Abstract The study was carried out in ten villages of two Panchayat Samities in Bhilwara districts of Rajasthan, which were adopted by Krishi Vigy an Kendra (MPUA&T-Udaipur). Sample consisted of 45 rural youth who had under gone training through KVK and had adopted the technology. Results depict that all the respondents had good knowledge about vermi-enterprise as 55.55 per cent were in higher and 44.44 per cent were in medium knowledge level. Majority of the respondents had good knowledge of advantages of vermi enterprise, essential raw materials, processing and care. Thus the training given by KVK had good impact on rural youth and they were running the enterprise successfully. Top | |
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