Suitability of RT-46 Variety of Sesame (Sesamum indicum) and Constraints in Adoption at Farmers’ Field in the Arid Western Plain of Rajasthan Rathore Surya*, Intodia S. L.** *College of Agriculture, G B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263145 (Uttaranchal) India **Vigyan Samiti, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India Abstract The sesame varieties i.e. RT-46, RT-54, RT-103, RT-125 have been released by Agricultural Research Station, Mandore, RT-46 was selected for the study because this was the only variety which was adopted by a sizeable number of farmers. It was revealed that majority of the sesame growers found RT- 46 variety suitable as they had adopted it in the seventh or eighth year of its release due to its early maturity i.e. 75–85 days and high resistance towards insect pests. Most of the sesame growers reported that the variety RT- 46 was highly disease resistant as compared to the other varieties. The farmers could easily procure the seeds from local dealers and in required quantity. The farmers were very much in favour of this variety due to its large pods which did not burst on their own and comparatively more oil content. The farmers reported that in adoption of recommended spacing, they lack of technical know-how and at the same time they found it more time consuming and labour intensive. Similarly, the hurdles which came in the way of adoption of line method of sowing sesame seed up to the depth of 4–5 cm were lack of special equipment for sowing and lack of knowledge about correct method of sowing and requirement of more seeds on using sowing equipments. The impediments coming in the way of adopting plant protection measures were lack of knowledge and skill, harmful residual effect, hazardous to men and animals, requirement of special equipments, high cost of insecticides and uncertainty of good production. Most of the problems of the sesame growers can be solved by specialized trainings in these areas; also the improved equipments that the farmers cannot afford should be bought Collectively through Self Help Groups. Top | |
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