Process of Launching an Enterprise: A Study of Women Entrepreneurs Singh Rashmi*, Senior Scientist *Division of AgriculturalExtension, IARI, New Delhi-110012; rashmisingh@iari.res.in; rashmi_iari@yahoo.co.in Abstract Women Entrepreneurship Development has emerged as an effective method of empowering our fifty percent of population especially the rural women. But not much is known about the total process as research studies are limited. The study was conducted on women entrepreneurs based in National Capital Region of Delhi. It focused on the process of enterprise launching; the factors associated with the launch itself, the reasons for opting for self-enterprise in lieu of safety and security of a government or public sector job etc. It was found that the idea for enterprise came from EDP promotional activities for Low Profit Earners whereas it was own desire and motivation in case of High Profit Earners. Women from poorer segments of society got motivated to pursue entrepreneurship for availing incentives and lucrative offers from entrepreneurship programmes of EDP organisations or government schemes. Usually personal observations, informal market survey and discussion with friends and family were used to gauge the market situation for a particular product or services. Service and trading kind of enterprises were found to result in higher profits as compared to manufacturing of products. The paper discusses in detail the enterprise launching process by women. Top | |
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