Impact of Training for Developing Entrepreneurs among Self Employed Rural Women: an Action Research Vinay Deepa*, Senior Scientist *Department of Family Resource Management, G B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263 145 (Uttaranchal), deepasharmal416@rediffmail.com; deepasharmal416@yahoo.com Abstract Much of the women's work hour appears in National Statistics because it is seen as an extension of their caring and hurturing Junction, rather than a materially rewarding activity. The present study was aimed at assuing the impact of training as support system for developing entrepreneurial characteristics among self employed rural women. Self-employed rural women at Gadarpur block of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttaranchal formed the sample, The study assessed assured the impact at training courses being organized for such initiatives. The training had a favorable effect on motivation level, size tracking, personal efficacy and other entrepreneurial attributes. Top | |
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