Contribution of Women in the Adoption of Scientific Cattle Management Practices in Banner District of Rajasthan Chaudhary Meenakshi*, Assistant Professor, Sharma J. P.**, Senior Scientist and ATIC Incharge *Directorate of Extension Education, Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (Raj.) **IARI, Pusa, New Delhi Abstract Women contribution in agriculture and allied activities has been well recognised all over the world. The present study was conducted with the aim of finding out the contribution of women in adoption of scientific cattle management practices. It was found that overall adoption of modern breeds was poor while modern practices of feeding was highly adopted. Modern health care and management practices were also adopted though specific practices were preferred more than others and ranks accorded to them were higher than the latter. The paper gives an overall picture as far as adoption of modern practices of cattle management are concerned. Top | |
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