Participatory Interventions for Higher Milk Production from Dairy Animals in National Capital Region Chhillar R.S., Sharma Nishi, Dubey A.V. Centre for Agricultural Technology Assessment and Transfer, IARI, New Delhi Abstract Dairy occupies an important place in rural lives. Therefore it becomes necessary that farm families should adopt latest technologies to improve the health and milk production of their dairy animals. For effective transfer of improved dairy farming practices the new pragmatic concept of Technology Assessment & Refinement through Institute Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) with participatory learning action was utilised in three villages of Sonepat district of Haryana in the National Capital Region. It was found that the milch animals and heifers reared as household animals are generally malnourished with feeding of ration, which is not, balanced as per their requirement. The growing heifers and pregnant dry animals are particularly maintained on an energy and protein deficient ration The technology interventions based on balanced feeding through complete balanced feed blocks and urea mollases multinutrient bricks have helped the farmers to increase the growth rate of buffalo heifers, milk yield of lactating buffaloes and improved their reproductive parameters. Top | |
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