Extension Methods to Motivate Technology Adoption and its Impact on Farmers of Eastern Uttar Pradesh Sharma M.C.*, Joint Director (Extension Education), Kumar Pankaj**, PhD Scholars, Tiwari Rupasi***, Scientist (SS) & Officer Incharge, Das Gunjan**, PhD Scholars *IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly **Division of Medicine, IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly ***ATIC, IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly Abstract Gorakhpur region of Eastern Uttar Pradesh has good potential for milk production and dairy development. Lack of awareness about importance of mineral supplementation was one of the major hindrances to its development. Door to door dissemination of information regarding area specific mineral mixture supplementation was found to be more effective than information provided by organizing Kisan Ghosties. The percentage technology adoption was higher by door to door dissemination of information about the benefits of the technology. Implementation of technologies resulted in 30–50 percent increase in income of farmers who adopted this technology and also saved money by spending only 50% of their previous expenses on maintenance of health of their livestock. Top | |
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