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Editorial Board

Chief Patron

Dr. P.L. Gautam,
Former Chairperson Protection of Plant
Varieties & Farmers Rights Authority
New Delhi - 110012

Executive Committee

President : Dr. J.P. Sharma
General Secretary : Dr. Rajneesh Tyagi
Secretary (Head Quarter) : Dr. N.V. Kumbhare
Treasurer : Mrs. Shashi Gupta

Chief Editor

Dr. J.P. Sharma


Dr. R. Roy Burman

Dr. S.K. Dubey

Dr. Souvik Ghosh

Dr. S.R.K. Singh

Dr. Nishi Sharma

Dr. M.S. Nain

Dr. Sudipta Paul

Dr. Reshma Gills

Dr. Sujit Sarkar

Dr. S.K. Acharya

Dr. Amit K. Goswami

Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee Dadhich

On Line Editor

Dr. Subhashree Sahu

Dr. Hema Baliwada

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