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Journal of Animal Research
Year 2013, Volume-3, Issue-2 (December)
Print ISSN : 2249-5290
Online ISSN : 2277-940X

Table of contents

Scanning Electron Microscopical and Morphometrical Studies on Ruminal Papillae of Sheep Fed on Concentrates
Rasha S. Ahmed, H. Martens, C. Muelling

Effect of Feeding Cow Urine Ark and Aloe Vera on Performance and Carcass Traits of Broilers
Anuradha Patel, R.K. Sharma

Cell Mediated Immune Response of Cow Urine with Withania Somnifera and Tinospora Cordifolia
Poonam Shakya, Varsha Sharma, R.K. Sharma, Rakesh Sharda, K.S. Misraulia

Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) Leaf Powder on Oxidative Stress Marker in Broilers
Ajit Singh, Neeraj, Jagdish Prasad

Study of Correlation Between Body Weight and Conformation Traits in Coloured Synthetic Dam Line Broiler Chicken at Five Weeks of Age
Swapnali Gogoi, P.K. Mishra

Antimicrobial Profile of Clostridium Perfringens Isolates from Dairy Products
R.V. Singh, B. Bist

Comparative Performance Among Different Genetic Groups of Large White Yorkshire Crossbred Pigs
N.K. Rokde, M.S. Thakur, S.N.S. Parmar

Liver Micromorphology of the African Palm Squirrel Epixerus ebii.
E. Ikpegbu, U.C. Nlebedum, O. Nnadozie, I.O. Agbakwuru

Comparative Study of Seasonal Variations on Hematological Profile in Sahiwal Cows (Bos Indicus) and Murrah Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)
Mehtab Singh Parmar, A.K. Madan, S.K. Rastogi, Ruokuobeinuo Huozha

Effect of Various Genetic and Non-genetic Factors on Reproductive Traits in Large White Yorkshire Crossbred and Tamworth Crossbred Pigs
N.K. Rokde, M.S. Thakur, S.N.S. Parmar, S.S. Tomar

Sensory Attributes of Chicken Meat Rolls and Patties Incorporated with the Combination Levels of Rice Bran and Psyllium Husk
Nitin Mehta, S.S. Ahlawat, D.P Sharma, Sanjay Yadav, Devan Arora

Influence of Aloe barbadensis (Miller 1768) Extract on White Blood Cells Counts as Immunological Parameters of Adult Heterobranchus Bidorsalis (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809)
Fidelis Bekeh Ada, Edet Ekpenyong, PeteRobins Bayim Bayim

Performance of Lactating Crossbred Cows under Different Housing Systems During Summer in Konkan Agro-ecological Conditions”
V.Y. Bharambe, S.M. Patil, R.G. Burte

Decline in Reproductive Performance in High Producing Murrah Buffalo
V. Jamuna, A.K. Chakravarty, C.S. Patil, A.C. Mahajan, S. Dash, V. Vohra

Chronic Fascioliasis as Cause of Unthriftiness in Sheep with Reference to its Impacts on Blood Constituents
Taha A. Fouda, Mohammed A. Youssef, Maged R. Al-Ashkar

Identification and In-silico Annotation of Functional Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of the Candidate Gene Association with the Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor Disease
Neelesh Sharma, Mrinmoy Ghosh, Simrinder Singh Sodhi, Jong-hyun Kim, Nameun Kim, Raj Kumar Mongre, Pradeep Adhikari, Dong Kee Jeong

Genetic Parameters of Growth and sow Productivity Traits of Large white Yorkshire with Desi and Tamworth with Desi Crossbred Pigs
N.K. Rokde, M.S. Thakur, S.N.S. Parmar, S.S. Tomar

Organoleptic Quality of Chicken Meat Rolls and Patties Added with the Combination Levels of Black Gram Hull and Psyllium Husk
Nitin Mehta, S.S Ahlawat, D.P Sharma, Sanjay Yadav, Devan Arora

An Overview on Reproductive Disorders in Indigenous Female Equids
S.K. Ravi, P.S. Yadav, R.K. Singh, Thirumala Rao Talluri, Y. Pal, A. Arangasamy, J Singh, R.C. Sharma, Susavi Kumari

Short Communications

Apocrine Secretory Adenoma in a 2.5 year Old Male Great Dane Dog
Mohamed Shokry, Elsayed Berbish

Surgical Management of Cervical Oesophageal Obstruction in a Non Descript Cow – A Case Report
G.P. Dhage, V.S. Ingle

Repair of Humeral Fracture in a Peregrine Falcon by Nailing of an Injection Needle
Mohamed Shokry


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