Effect of Various Genetic and Non-genetic Factors on Reproductive Traits in Large White Yorkshire Crossbred and Tamworth Crossbred Pigs Rokde N.K., Thakur M.S.*, Parmar S.N.S., Tomar S.S. Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, College of Veterinary Science & A.H., Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India *Corresponding Author: M S Thakur; Email: drmohansingh@gmail.com
Online published on 24 March, 2014. Abstract The data on reproductive performance of 1850 crossbred pigs belonging to three genetic groups viz. ½ LWY-desi crossbred (845), ¾ LWY-desi crossbred (790) and ½ Tamworth-desi crossbred (215) maintained at AICRP on Pigs, Adhartal, Jabalpur (M.P.) covering period from 1994 to 2010 were subjected to least squares analysis to study the effect of genetic and non-genetic factors. The least squares means for litter weight at birth were 7.18±0.24 and 6.61±0.24 kg for ½ and ¾ LWY-desi crossbreds and 7.13±0.24 kg for ½ Tamworth-desi crossbreds respectively. The least squares means for litter weight at weaning were 55.82±2.58, 61.03±2.31 and 61.93±3.54 kg for ½ LWY-desi, ¾ LWY-desi and ½ Tamworthdesi crossbred respectively. The present investigation showed a significance influence of period and season of birth on litter traits indicated the potential for optimizing production performance of pig providing optimal environmental conditions. Top Keywords Least squares means, litter size, litter weight, LWY & Tamworth crossbreds. Top |