Colon Classification Research: A Select Bibliography: 1950-2015 Sathikumar C S1 1C S Sathikumar did his Post graduation in Economics from Kerala University. Was the Chief Librarian of Kerala Legislature and was the first in India to envision the project for Open Access to Legislative proceedings. The archive launched under his initiative consisting of Legislative Assembly records - proceedings, reports and other documents including hand written proceedings of earlier years related to the Travancore, Cochin, Travancore - Cochin and Kerala Legislative Councils and Assemblies from the year 1888 to the present Kerala Legislative Assembly running to lakhs of pages. It became a model for other states and Parliament. He has authored popular articles, papers and monographs related to management of legislative information and has edited the journal ‘Legal and Constitutional Digest’ published by Government. Abstract Colon Classification (CC) since its introduction has influenced all other knowledge classification systems and also contributed ideas for the development of information retrieval mechanisms in traditional as well as digital environments. CC continues to be one of most studied scheme even now in the field of information science the world over. The article attempts to list the papers on Colon Classification by Ranganathan during his life time and also list the selected studies on CC since its introduction. Top Keywords: Colon Classification, Bibliographic Classification, Faceted Classification, Analytico Synthetic Classification, Bibliography, S R Ranganathan. Top | | | |
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