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Year : 2019, Volume : 6, Issue : 4
First page : ( 7) Last page : ( 18)
Print ISSN : 2320-530X. Published online : 2019  16.

An Intimate View of the Personality of S R Ranganathan: Synthesizing Tradition and Modernity

Yogeshwar R1

1Yogeswar, R was the only child of S R Ranganathan and Sarada. He graduated from St Stephens College of Delhi University. Afterwards he took Degree in Machine Tool Design and Engineering from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland. Served as Assistant Professor there and then worked as Scientist at Oerlikon Machine Tool works, Zurich, and Manager of Design and Development at HMT, India. Prepared the Project for Central Machine Tools Institute (CMTI), Bangalore. Was an active member of various international organizations including UNIDO


This is an extract on the personal life of S R Ranganathan, one of the most turbulent centuries’ great librarians documented by his son. Ranganathan’s personal life is an interesting model as to how synthesis could be achieved between Indian Culture and modern science. The author himself a scientist from a different subject field had professional relation and interaction with Ranganathan as well as exposure to him as a family man and had also closely watched his commitment, assertiveness, and views and how his personality evolved and adjusted to changes in society; and how he blended life in the profession and family.



S R Ranganathan, Colon Classification, Library Science, Information Science.


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