Informatics Studies
Year 2024, Volume-11, Issue-4 (October-December)
Print ISSN: 2320-530X Table of Contents From the Editor ICT Interventions in Landslide Prediction Runout Modeling, Early Warning and Mitigation Sabarish Karunakaran Mud and Debrisflow Catastrophe in Wayanad: Engineering and Informatics Solutions to Mitigate or Avert Such Disasters N. Narayana Pillai Navigating Marine Ecosystem Dynamics: Emerging Management Tools and Assessment Strategies Vasantha Subramoniam Pramitha, Anjana S, Vijayan Soudha Soumya and Sreejith Parameswara Panicker Mitigating Mud and Debris Flow Hazards: The Role of MurGame in Risk-Aware Village Planning Catherine Berger, Florian Zimmermann, Ralf Mauerhofer and Marc Christen Information Monitoring Strategies for Mud and Debris Flow Disaster Management Gexue Bai, Jian Qin, Yunlong Hou and Baofeng Wan Effective Leader Chaspari Sofia-Maria Authorship and Collaboration Dynamics in Management Studies: An Evaluation of IIMB Management Review M Doraswamy and G Subramanyam Harnessing Online Climate Data for Agricultural Resilience and Disaster Mitigation Efforts Theodore Sammis, Donald Sitze, David Fitzpatrick and Paul Mott Top |
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