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Year : 2024, Volume : 11, Issue : 3
First page : ( 83) Last page : ( 90)
Print ISSN : 2320-530X. Published online : 2024  30.

Precision farming for enhancing crop yields and sustainability

Hayes J C1, Privette C V1

1Faculty members, Dept of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, United States

Online Published on 30 November, 2024.


As environmental concerns increase, agriculture has come under scrutiny due to the extensive use of chemicals and fertilizers in production. The significant application of these substances has sparked worries about their environmental impact. One approach to mitigating these issues is to reduce the amount of chemicals used, thereby lessening their effects on the environment. Precision farming offers a viable solution to achieve these objectives. This method has the potential to enhance crop yields while decreasing the chemical inputs required. Recently, precision farming has been highlighted as a promising way to improve the quality of runoff from agricultural fields. It achieves this by treating a field as a collection of distinct sub-areas rather than a uniform expanse. A crucial element of precision farming is the Global Positioning System (GPS), which helps farmers track their location while applying chemicals and harvesting crops. By combining GPS with Geographic Information System (GIS) data, precision farming enables accurate data collection and analysis. The current study explores various strategies for implementing precision farming in real world cropping scenarios, presenting results from crop simulations and examining the challenges associated with these methods.


Key words

Agricultural Informatics, Farm Management, Crop Production, Ecosystem Impacts, Soil, Climate.


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