Innovative ICT solutions for accelerating sustainable agricultural development Kotha Shravani1, Mounika B.2, Sravani Settipalli1 1Res.Scholar, Dept of Agricultural Extension, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, India 2Res. Scholar, Dept of Agricultural Extension, ICAR-NDRI, Haryana, India Online Published on 30 November, 2024. Abstract With agriculture holding a pivotal position for food security and poverty alleviation, recent developments including the ICT revolution, have reshaped the sector. The study investigates the impact of ICT tools such as precision farming, drone technology, remote sensing, GIS, GPS, satellite imagery, big data, artificial intelligence, and IoT in agricultural sector. These technologies address significant challenges in agriculture, contributing to approximately 17% of India's GDP. ICT empowers farmers by providing real-time information on crucial aspects like cropping patterns, high-yielding seeds, and pest management. ICT has the potential to bridge the digital divide, granting access to modern technologies for small-scale and marginalized farmers, ultimately enhancing profitability. By facilitating decision-making, knowledge exchange, and market access, ICT emerges as a powerful force driving sustainable growth in agriculture, positioning the sector for a self-sufficient future. Top Key words ICT, Innovation, Agriculture, Agricultural Informatics. Top |