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Year : 2024, Volume : 11, Issue : 3
First page : ( 31) Last page : ( 38)
Print ISSN : 2320-530X. Published online : 2024  30.

Agricultural robotics: Innovations, hurdles, and future trends

Ojha Pankaj Kumar1, Ghadei Kalyan2, Kandpal Arpita Sharma3

1Dept of Agricultural. Extension, Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, India

2Professor, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

3Asst Professor, Dept of Agricultural Communication, GBPUAT, Pantnagar

Online Published on 30 November, 2024.


Explores the transformative potential of agricultural robotics, addressing challenges and future prospects. In the face of population explosion, the adopting sustainable and efficient farming practices is paramount. The paper discusses the challenges of traditional agriculture, a few of which can be solved by using robotics. In this context authors discuss precision farming, harvesting automation, livestock management, and technologies used, showcasing the versatility of robotic solutions. Challenges discussed include high initial costs, adaptability issues, and the ethical considerations of job displacement. The possibilites identified include advancements in autonomous navigation, swarm robotics, and AI integration, promising increased affordability, adaptability, and sustainability. Human-robot collaboration and human intuition and robotic precision are also considered as areas for informatics research. Authors underscore the significance of responsible implementation, and opine that agricultural robotics will contribute to a resilient, technologically advanced future.


Key words

Agricultural robotics, Precision farming, Challenges, Future prospects, Autonomy, Human-robot collaboration, Sustainability, Agricultual informatics.


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