Advancing agricultural sustainability: Harnessing crop modeling for climate change resilience and global food security Adarsh S1, Milka Susan K B2, Nayana N L3, Deb Arindam1 1Dept of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University 2Erasmus Mundus, Dept of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Ondokuz Mayis University 3M.Sc. Dept of Soil Science, Annamalai University Online Published on 30 November, 2024. Abstract Crop models are mathematical representations endowed with the capacity to enhance productivity through data utilisation alongside their calibration and validation methodologies. Increasingly, research is leveraging simulation models, facilitating more targeted and efficient planning. This enables scientists to forecast weather impacts, soil characteristics, seed varieties, fertiliser management, and irrigation on crop growth and development. Furthermore, crop models can address knowledge gaps, extrapolate across different cropping cycles, explore management strategies, and anticipate the ramifications of future climate change. Moreover, they prove valuable for industry planning, operational management, environmental considerations, and yield predictions. Crop simulation models can be instrumental in designing crop ideotypes tailored to specific conditions, with potential applications across diverse settings. Top Key words Agriculture, Informatics, Crop Modelling, Calibration, Mathematical Tool. Top |