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Year 2008, Volume-9, Issue-1 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0972-1738
Online ISSN : 2249–8796

Table of contents

Review Articles

Beneficial Effects of Probiotics and Prebiotics in Livestock and Poultry: The Current Perspectives
K. Dhama, M. Mahendran, S. Tomar, R.S. Chauhan

Role of Micronutrients as Immunoregulator in Farm Animals with special reference to Mastitis - A Review
Parveen Goel, Ashok Kumar, Anshu Sharma

Pros and Cons of using Xylazine class of Drugs in Veterinary Practice
M. R. Fazili, H. K. Bhattacharyya

Balanoposthitis – Urinary Obstruction Syndrome: An emerging disorder in Ruminants
B.V. Shivaprakash, S.M. Usturge

Clinical Articles

Clinical and Therapeutic studies on Trypanosomiasis in Buffaloes of West Godavari
K.V. Ramkrishna, B. Yoganand

Brisket Oedema in Ruminants: Study of Eight Cases
V.K. Jain

Calcium Oxalate Urethral Calculi in Bullocks: A report of four cases
H. N. Singh, S. Jaiswal

Tracheostomy for Surgical Management of H.S. in Buffaloes – A Field Case Report
Umar Khan, V.P. Chandrapuria

Treatment of Anaemia in Cow Calves by Feritas Bolus
P.S. Chaudhary, H.V.S. Chauhan, V.V. Deshmukh, D.C. Moliya

A rare case of acephalia with hydrocephalus in a cow calf
A D Patil, G.U. Yadav, N.M. Markandeya, S. D. Moregaonkar

Therapeutic efficacy of Ceftriaxone (Intacef) in clinical Mastitis of Cows
P. V. Patil, Miss. M. K. Patil

Treatment of mastitis in local cows by administration of Ceftriaxone (Intacef): A case study
S. Kothandaraman, R. John Christy

How to achieve high survival rate in Dams following Caesarean Operation in Cows and Buffaloes
B.V. Shivaprakash, S.M. Usturge, Suresh S. Honnappagol

Clinical efficacy of Iron Sorbitol Citric Acid Complex + Folic Acid + Hydroxycobalamin Acetate (FERITAS) injection in treatment of the haemoprotozoan diseases and post parturient haemorrhagic complications.
G. Vijaya Kumar Sarma, S. Uma Maheswara Reddy, P. Subrahmanyam, S. Suryanarayana Murthy, T. Madhava Rao, P. Gopala Krishna

Efficacy of Inj. Tribivet in the Therapeutic Mangement of Thiamine inadequacy in Calves
S.V. Singh, J.P. Singh, K.P. Singh, B. Singh, H.N. Singh

Efficacy of pre- insemination treatment with hCG for improving conception rate in repeat breeding rural buffaloes
R.S. Bisla, Umed Singh, S.S. Chaudhri, A.S. Dahiya

An Investigation and Management of Blackleg in Cattle
Subhash Kachhawaha, R.K. Tanwar

Clinical Management of Multiple Abscesses in Bullock
M.G. Thorat, A.U. Bhikane, G.U. Yadav, H.R. Ghadage, M.V. Mahajan

Fetal Dystocia in Mare - Case Reports
H.C. Nakhashi, B.N. Suthar, R.M. Patel

Clinical Study on Efficacy of Two Selected External Immobilisation Techniques for Long Bone Fracture Repair in Goats (Capra hircus)
Vikram Singh, P.R. Dudi, T.K. Gahlot

Pyometra in Bitches- Two case Reports
K.P. Singh, B.K. Singh, B. Singh, J. P. Singh, P. Singh, H.N. Singh

Therapeutic Aspects of Pyoderma Associated with Demodicosis in Dogs
K. Satish Kumar, D.S. Tirumala Rao

Therapeutic Management of Concurrent Sarcoptic Mange Infestation with Ancylostomiasis in a Dachshund Bitch
Debasis Jana, Mousumi Ghosh

Status Epilepticus in Dogs and its Therapeutic Management
D.R. Wadhwa, R.K. Mandial

Short Communication

Lactation in kid and calf–Case reports
Shibabrata Pattanayak

Traumatic Orchitis of Buffalo Calves: A case report
Srinibas Das

Vagus Indigestion in a Cow- A Case Report
V.K. Jain

Dystocia due to unilateral shoulder flexion: A Case Report
K.P. Singh, B.K. Singh, J.P. Singh, B Singh, P. Singh, H.N. Singh

Surgical Repair of Crocodile Inflicted Wounds in a Cow – A Case Report
B. Vijay Kumar, P. Balakrishnan

Buffalo calf with multiple congenital abnormalities and management of atresia recti condition: A case report
A. Velavan, B. M. Borena, R. Sharma

Photosensitization due to Lantana Camara in Holstein Friesian cross breed cattle
K. J. Ananda, L. Manjunatha, R. Sharada, K. Mohan

Clinical Study on Efficacy of Two Selected External Immobilisation Techniques for Long Bone Fracture Repair in Goats (Capra hircus)
Vikram Singh, P.R. Dudi, T.K. Gahlot

Medicinal Management of Canine Pyometra -A case report
Pallav Shekhar, S. Haque, Mritunjay Kumar, A.K Jha

A clinical case of Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia associated with Hydrometra in a female Lhasa-apso dog
Sunita Nauriyal, Sanjib Kakoty

Megaoesopghagus in a Bitch- A Case Report
V. K. Jain, R. Tayal

Oral Papilloma in a Dog – A Case Report*
V. Vijayanand, A. Arun Prasad, S.M. Sakthivelan, R.C. Rajasundaram, C. Balachandran

Therapeutic Management of Snake Bite in a Dog
M. Sai Butcha Rao, K. Satish Kumar, D. S. Tirumala Rao

Coal Tar embedment in a Cobra: A Case Report
P.S. Chaudhary, V.V. Deshmukh

Compound fracture of Tibia in a Langur (Semnopithecus entellus)- Case Report
T.K. Gahlot, V.S. Rathore, N. Arora, Vikram Singh, S. Purohit

Plant Toxicity in a Captive Barking Deer (Muntiacus muntjak)
Deepak Sharma


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