Surgical management of perineal hernia in a buffalo Pal Madan1,*, Ram Kashi2, Garhwal Chander Pal3 1Veterinary Surgeon Veterinary Hospital, Animal Husbandry and Dairying DepartmentFatehabad - 125050 (Haryana) 2Deputy Director Veterinary Hospital, Animal Husbandry and Dairying DepartmentFatehabad - 125050 (Haryana) 3Sub-Divisional Officer Veterinary Hospital, Animal Husbandry and Dairying DepartmentFatehabad - 125050 (Haryana) *Corresponding author. E-mail:
Online Published on 23 January, 2023. Abstract A buffalo was presented with history of soft swelling on right side of vulvar lip since last one year. The condition was diagnosed by needle puncture at ventral aspect of swelling mass. Urine was found to escape out from soft swelling confirming presence of urinary bladder in hernial sac. The perineal hernia of urinary bladder was repaired surgically in standing position under epidural anesthesia. Top Keywords Bovine, Buffalo, Perineal hernia. Top |