Surgical management of intestinal obstruction - A clinical study in three pregnant cows Thakur Bhuvnesh1,*, Kumar Susheel2 1Veterinary Officer Veterinary HospitalDepartment of Animal HusbandryBaroh (RKT), Dist. Kangra - 176054 (Himachal Pradesh) 2Veterinary Officer, VPC, Chamba *Corresponding author. E-mail:
Online Published on 23 January, 2023. Abstract Three pregnant cows were presented with colic, anorexia, no defecation, distended abdomen, whitish mucus discharge and with other sign like black tarry faeces. On per-rectal examination, no faeces were present in rectum. Exploratory surgery was opted for diagnosis and treatment. Right lower mid flank incision was given to explore the abdomen. Obstructed part due to intussusception and torsion of small intestine were identified. Enterectomy and entero-anastomosis were undertaken to correct the obstruction. Top Keywords Cow, Enterectomy, Intestinal obstruction, Intussusception. Top |