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Author Guidelines

Intas Polivet is published half-yearly in a size of 175mm X 235mm in 2 columns in a print area of 145 X 200 mm.

Nature of coverage: Intas Polivet publishes original clinical/ research/ review articles and short communications in the field of Veterinary Science/ Animal Husbandry and allied subjects. Preference is given to the original full clinical and research articles, however, short communications/ case reports and review articles are also acceptable. Manuscripts are considered for publication on the understanding that they have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript should be typed in double space with ample margin. The spelling should be that of the Oxford English Dictionary. Manuscript should be headed with the title of not more than 15 words, the name and postal address of the authors or where applicable the address of the institution where the work was done. Original full articles should not exceed 12 typed pages, including references, tables and graphs. Short Communications should not exceed 4 typed pages. Abstracts are mandatory for all articles. In case of full papers, the body of the manuscript should be divided into sections viz. abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and references.

Abstract should not exceed 150 words. The abstract should be informative and be complete in itself without reference to the text, figures or tables. It should be typed separately along with the title (top) and 4-6 key words (bottom).

Introduction should be brief and should identify the subject, aims and objectives alongwith the lacunae in earlier work in that field.

Materials and methods should be complete and precise. This should include the design and technique employed. If a well known method was used, citation of relevant authority is sufficient with mention of modification, if any. Insignificant, unessential, common details should not be given. Statistical methods used should be mentioned at end of this sections.

Results and discussion should be combined to avoid repetition and duplication, including mean data and their standard errors/standard deviation, where applicable. The results should be related with other standard and recent work on the subject, drawing logical interpretations and conclusions.

References to the previous work should be cited in the text with author's name and year of publication in parenthesis e.g. Singh (1967) in case of single author and Singh et al. (1967) in case of multiple authors.

At the end of the paper the references should be listed in alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors with all authors initial included, year of publication, title of the article, name of the journal, volume (bold typed) and page range of the article. The name of the periodical should be abbreviated according to the world list of Scientific Periodicals, 1963, fourth edition, Butterworths, London.

For books, name(s) and initial of author(s), year of publication, title of chapter, title of book, publisher and volume (if any), edition and the relevant page range consulted.

Illustrations referred to as figures should be submitted in duplicate larger than the size desired for reproduction. Images should be submitted as GIF, TIFF, EPS or JPEG files or else as hard copy photographs in CMYK format, at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi at an image size of 8.5 cm across. Figures need to labelled to correspond with the list of numbered figure captions. e.g Figure 3.jpg

Authors are advised to submit the manuscripts including figures, tables and photographs on CD-rom. A proof of each article will be sent to the corresponding author.

Submission of articles: Manuscript should be submitted in duplicate to Dr Nitin Bhatia, Chief Editor, Intas Polivet, 4th Floor, Premier House, Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad-380054, Gujarat, INDIA. Tel:+91-79-66523647/ 66523658; Fax: +91-2266466196.

Intas Polivet can also be accessed for online submission via www.indianjournals.com or www.scopemed.org or via email at intaspolivet@intaspharma.com / editorpolivet@intaspharma.com

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