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INROADS- An International Journal of Jaipur National University
Year 2014, Volume-3, Issue-1 (January–June) — Special Issue-1
Print ISSN : 2277-4904
Online ISSN : 2277-4912

Table of contents

From the Desk of Chief Editor
K.L. Sharma


Framework for Service Categorization and Requirement Gathering along with Discovery and Negotiation Threads of new Services in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Ashutosh Shukla, Nikhil Shukla

Design and Simulation of Flip Flop at 45 nm Technology for Application in WSN
Neetu Kumari, Satyajit Anand, Partha Pratim Bhattacharya

Simulation of a Low Power Wake-Up Receiver for Wireless Sensor Network
Nikita Patel, Satyajit Anand, Partha Pratim Bhattacharya

VDTN Layered Architecture
Sharmila N. Rana, Milind S. Shah, Vyomal Pandya

Design and Analysis of a Conical Horn Antenna at 10GHz frequency
Mayank Singhal, Pulkit Mehta

Design and Simulation of AlN-based MEMS Acoustic Sensor for High SPL Measurement
Ashwani S. Tripathi, Vipul V. Mishra, Mahanth Prasad

An Insight into Particle Size and Strain Analysis of Y2/3Cu3Ti4O12(YCTO) sample by XRD
Sunita Sharma, K. D. Mandal

Robust Maximum Power Point Tracking Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Grid Connected Wind Turbines
Shreya K. Trivedi

Automatic Voltage Regulator for Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Utkarsh Panchal, M. R. Tilwalli, P. N. Kapil, M. T. Shah

Modeling and Simulation of Large Deformation Bi-material Problems Using EFGM
Azher Jameel, Tarlochan Singh

Simulation and Modeling of Feedback Field Oriented Control of an Asynchronous Machines
Vaibhav Jain, Pankaj Kumar

Simultaneous Scheduling of Machines and AGVs in Flexible Manufacturing System with Mean Tardiness Criterion by using HGVHA
Medikondu Nageswararao, K. Narayanarao, G. Ranagajanardhana

Structural Characterization of PS, PMMA and PS/PMMA Polymeric Blend
Vishal Mathur, Rana Mukherji, R.K. Chaurasia, Kananbala Sharma

Fundamentals Properties of Air Blast using Coupled Method - Part I
Asim Mukherjee, Subashini Rajaram, Miaaza Hussain, Somnath Karmakar, Amit Shaw, Showmen Saha

Extracting Water Feature and Change Detection of Part of Mahanadi Delta Region in Odisha Using NDVI and NDWI from Landsat Images
Anurag Aeron, R.D. Garg, D.S. Arya, S.P. Aggarwal

Influence of Granulated Mild Steel Sludge on Consistency Limits and Strength Charcteristics of an Expansive Soil
Ashwani Jain, Shreesh Ajaykumar

A Comparative Study of Multimodal Biometric Authentication System: A Review
Aditi Bhateja, S.K. Pal, Shailender Kumar

Electronic Technique for the Determination of Added Water to Milk
Anwar Sadat

Microwave Assisted Rapid, Efficient and Eco-Friendly Estimation of Saponification Value of Some Medicinal Oils
Nazish Siddiqui

Chemical Sensing Based ABC Swarm Intelligence Algorithm for Cancer Treating Nanorobots
V. Sharma, S. Srivastava

An Efficient Round robin Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm in MapReduce Framework
Mohit Sharma, Suman Saha

Optimization of Plasma Arc Cutting Parameters Using Taguchi Method
Ashil Patel, Dhaval B. Shah

Investigation of Cluster Based Adhoc Routing Protocols
Akanksha Singh, Mitul Yadav, Vinay Rishiwal

Design of Butterfly Shaped Microstrip Antenna for Multi Band Operation
Rajesh Kumar Vishwakarma, Shalini Agarwal

Hand Written Character Recognition & Comparisons Using VPP, HPP, ZDCT & CCH Extraction Techniques
Ramesh Kumar Meena, Rahul Srivastava, Shakti Singh Shekawat

Estimation of Critical Gap for U-turn Vehicles at Median openings Under Mixed Traffic Conditions
Suprabeet Datta, P. K. Bhuyan

Impact of Mobility Models on MANETs Routing Protocols
Subodh Kumar, G.S. Agrawal, Sudhir Kumar Sharma

Analysis of Power Quality Improvement in Voltage SAG and Load Sensitivity using Fuzzy Logic
Neha Jain, Parvind Agarwal, Shivani Sharma

Analytical Studies of a Five-Cavity, 140 GHz Gyroklystron Amplifier
Sunny Paswan, M. S. Chauhan, M. V. Swati, P. K. Jain

Study of Variation in Velocity Profile along a 120° Meandering Path
Arpan Pradhan, Kishanjit K. Khatua, Debashish Khuntia

Improving Characteristics of Hairpin Band Pass Filter using SIR concept
Nidhi Pandit, Anjini Kumar Tiwary, Nisha Gupta

Effects of Barrier Layer of Nanoscale InGaAs-Channel MOSFETs on Analog Circuit Performance
Suchismita Tewari, Pratim Kumar Saha, Abhijit Biswas, Abhijit Mallik

Swarm Intelligence assisted Optimization in Structural Engineering: A Review
Vinay Agrawal, Vinay Chandwani, Ravindra Nagar

Preliminary Analysis of Short-Span Suspension Bridges
V. Prakash, M.K. Rathore, K.K. Borgaonkar

The Future of Weather Data Warehouse: From Concept through Design
Harshal Gunwant

Role of Wollastonite Micro-Fiber in Rigid Pavement
Shashi Kant Sharma, R.N.G.D. Ransinchung, Praveen Kumar

Challenge and Security issues of Cloud computing in Technical Education
Nilam Coudhary, Baldev Singh, Tarannum Sheikh

Stacked Square Microstrip Antenna for Dual-Band Operation
Rajesh Kumar Vishwakarma, Shalini Agarwal

Gujarati Text-To-Speech (TTS) conversion system using Histogram and Edge detection method
Jayesh B. Tanna, Vijay Savani, Amit Degada

Content based Image Retrieval based on Semantics, Colour and Texture features
Sukhada Aloni

Disease Forecasting and Pest Management for Indian Apple: An Application of ICT
V.D. Shivling, Sudhir Kr. Sharma, C. Ghanshyam, Atul Kr. Sharma, Deepali Bhagat, Sushma Bhardwaj, Vinay Chopra

Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11b using different modulation schemes with efficient coding schemes
R.K. Chaurasia, Rana Mukherji, Vishal Mathur, Manishita D. Mukherji, Ranjan Mishra

Effect of Beacons Deployment and Beacons Radio Range on HiRLoc and RAL Schemes in Wireless Sensor Network
Ranjit Panigrahi, M.K. Ghose

Studies on Reduction of Efficiency Droop in InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Well LEDs
Mainak Saha, Abhijit Biswas

Roughness Coefficient Determination in Open Channel Flow with Vegetation
Kajal Panigrahi, Kishanjit K. Khatua

Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger (1 shell in series & 1 shell in parallel)
Mukesh Bhattarai, Ashish Ranjan, Man Mohan Siddh

A Study on Pressure Swing Adsorption for Gas Separation
Sarita Kalla, Syed Akhlaq Ahmad

Impact of Network Size and Traffic to Adhoc Routing Protocols over Different IDM Models in VANETs
Shubham, Lalit Sagar, Vinay Rishiwal

Multimode Simulation and Analysis of Two Cavity Gyroklystron
M. V. Swati, Rajeev Sharma, M. S. Chauhan, P. K. Jain

A Modified Star-Triangular Fractal Monopole Antenna for Wideband Applications
Sanjeev Yadav, Ruchika Choudhary, M.M. Sharma

Design and partial fabrication of low power Pt-based microheater for gas sensing application
Jyoti Yadav, Vipul V. Mishra, Mahanth Prasad

An Improved Image Sharing Scheme for Colour Images
Vinay Rishiwal, Ashwani Gupta


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