Optimization of Plasma Arc Cutting Parameters Using Taguchi Method Patel Ashil*, PG Student, Shah Dhaval B.**, Asst. Prof. Mechanical Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India *Email: 12mmcc18@nirmauni.ac.in
Online published on 11 March, 2014. Abstract One of most important non conversional machining process is plasma arc cutting due toits good accuracy cut, good dimensional accuracy andincrease the quality of material. In this paper, optimization of plasma arc cutting parameter has been carried out using Taguchi method. The appropriate orthogonal array has been selected as per number of factors and there levels to perform minimum experimentation. The material for work piece has been taken as stainless steel 316L for different sixteen experimental work. The best combination for cutting parameters has been found using signal to noise ratio and also validated same with the experimental work. The optimum values for material removal rate and surface roughness have been determined with the help of main effect plot and ANOVA Table. The response table for optimum setting parameter has been derived from Minitab software. Using this technique, one can increase productivity with minimum time by reducing numbers of experiments in plasma cutting process. Top Keywords Plasma arc cutting, Taguchi method, Orthogonal array, Design of experiment. Top | |
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