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Indian Journal of Weed Science
Year 2011, Volume-43, Issue-3and4 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0253-8040
Online ISSN : 0974-8164

Table of contents

Aquatic weeds problems and management in India
Sushil Kumar

Effects on production potential and economics of direct seeded rice sowing dates and weed management techniques
Devendra Mandal, D. Singh, Rakesh Kumar, Anupma Kumari, Vinod Kumar

Bio-efficacy of herbicides applied at the 2 to 4 leaf stage of weeds in sugarcane after second interculture
Rohitashav Singh, Radhey Shyam, Amit Bhatnagar, V. K. Singh, Jitendra Kumar

Effect of different herbicides on weeds and lac yield in bhalia plantation
B.P. Singh, S. Ghosal, A.K. Singh

Optimizing the surfactant dose for sulfosulfuron and ready mix combination of sulfosulfuron and carfentrazone against weeds in wheat
R.S. Chhokar, R.K. Sharma, Subhash Chander

Productivity and economics of rice-zero till maize as influenced by weed management practices in southern Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh
B. Mukundam, S. Srividya, V. Raja

Efficacy of imazethapyr on weed management in soybean
D.S. Meena, Baldev Ram, Chaman Jadon, J. P. Tetarwal

Efficacy of pre and post emergence herbicides on weed flora of urd bean under rainfed subtropical Shiwalik foothills of Jammu & Kashmir
Brij Nandan, B.C Sharma, Anil Kumar, Vikas Sharma

Chemical weed control in transplanted rice in Hirakud command area of Orissa
A.K. Patra, J. Halder, M.M. Mishra

Isolation and pathogenicity of some native fungal pathogens for the biological management of water hyacinth
Aditi Pathak, C. Kannan

Persistence of pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen at different temperature and moisture levels in an alfisol and vertisol
A. Sireesha, P.C. Rao, G. Swapna, Ch.S. Ramalakshmi

Screening for antipathogenicity of weeds
C. Sarathambal, Anjana Chourasiya, K.K. Barman

Efficacy of mechanical, cultural and chemical methods on weed suppression and yield of lentil
V.K. Singh, Vivek Dixit, Rohitashav Singh, Ashutosh Barthwal

Bio-efficacy of clodinafop-propargyl + metsulfuron methyl against complex weed flora in wheat
Suresh Kumar, N.N. Angiras, S.S. Rana

Persistence and dissipation of pretilachlor in soil, plant and water of coastal rice ecosystem
S. Dharumarajan, R. Sankar, S. Arun

Weed population, nitrogen removal by weeds and crop yield under maize + blackgram intercropping system in Chhattisgarh plains
Sanjay K. Dwivedi, G. K. Shrivastava, A. P. Singh, S.S. Kolhe

Biological based chemical integration for early control of water hyacinth
Sushil Kumar

Chemical weed control in wheat through on form demonstrations in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh
R.K. Tiwari, I.M. Khan, Nirmala Singh, Amit Jha

Short Communications

Effect of different weed management practices on weed density and weed dry matter production in system of rice intensification (SRI)
Devendra Dewangan, A.P. Singh, H. Nirala, M. Verma

Occurrence of soil microbes under Parthenium weed in Tamil Nadu
C. Jeyalakshmi, Sabitha Doraisamy, V. Valluvaparidasan

Lead and manganese accumulation by weeds at heavy metal contaminated sites in Jabalpur
P. J. Khankhane, Jay G. Varshney

Weed management in okra grown in kharif season under middle Gujarat conditions
Shweta Sharma, B.D. Patel

Critical period of crop-weed competition in zero-till cotton
P. Ayyadurai, R. Poonguzhalan

Effect of aqueous leaf extract of Parthenium on seed germination and seedling emergence of some cultivated crops
J.A. Dhole, S. S. Bodke, N.A. Dhole

Nutrient depletion by weeds, yield and economics of drum seeded rice influenced by weed management
S.P. Sangeetha, A. Balakrishnan, R. Sathya Priya, J. Maheswari

Effect of rice straw incorporation on weed management and crop growth in rice
Pratibha Singh, S.K. Guru

Effect of weed control treatments on growth of little seed cannary grass and productivity of wheat
R.K. Tiwari, B.S. Dwivedi, G. Deshmukh, A.K. Pandey, Amit Jha

Chemical and cultural methods for weed control of mung bean under limited moisture conditions of Kandi belt of Jammu
Brij Nandan, Anil Kumar, B.C. Sharma, Neetu Sharma

Impact of weeders for weed management in system of rice intensification (SRI)
Ghanshyam Deshmukh, R.K. Tiwari


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