Chemical and cultural methods for weed control of mung bean under limited moisture conditions of Kandi belt of Jammu Nandan Brij1, Kumar Anil1,*, Sharma B.C.1, Sharma Neetu1 1Division of Agronomy, FOA-Chatha, SKUAST-Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir) *E-mail: anillau@gmail.com
Abstract An experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2006 and 2007 in Jammu to study the efficacy of pre and post emergence herbicides for controlling weeds of mung bean under limited moisture conditions of Kandi belt of Jammu. Hand weeding twice at 20 and 40 DAS produced the highest average seed yield (697.8kg/ha) which was at par with metolachlor (PE, 0.75kg/ha fb one hand weeding at 20 DAS) (691.6kg/ha). Among the other herbicidal treatments, pendimethalin (PE 1.0 kg/ha fb 1HW at 30 DAS) was superior in controlling weeds and increasing the seed yield. Top Keywords Mung bean, Pre-emergence, Cultural practices, Kandi area, Chemical control. Top | | | |
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