Persistence and dissipation of pretilachlor in soil, plant and water of coastal rice ecosystem Dharumarajan S.3,*, Sankar R.1,3, Arun S.2,3 3NBSS & LUP, Regional Centre, Kolkata (West Bengal), 1PAJANCOA&RI, Karaikal (UT of Puducherry) 2Department of Soil science and Agricultural chemistry, TNAU, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) *E-mail:
Abstract Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to study the persistence and dissipation of pretilachlor in soil, straw and flood water. In soil, pretilachlor at 0.75 kg/ha dissipated to below detectable level (BDL) within 30 days after application (DAA) when applied along with green leaf manure, while in other treatments viz., pretilachlor at 0.75, 1.5 kg/ha alone and gypsum + pretilachlor at 1.5 kg/ha persisted up to 45 DAA (DAA). In the case of plant, pretilachlor at 0.75 kg/ha dissipated to below detectable limit at 30 DAA, while 1.5 kg/ha persisted up to 60 DAA. Irrespective of the treatments, pretilachlor dissipated to below detectable limit at 10 DAA in flood water. The half-life of pretilachlor varied from 3.9–10.0, 3.48.5, 0.87–1.52 days for soil, rice plant and flood water, respectively. Top Keywords Pretilachlor, Persistence, Dissipation, Residue. Top |