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Year : 2011, Volume : 43, Issue : 3and4
First page : ( 192) Last page : ( 194)
Print ISSN : 0253-8040. Online ISSN : 0974-8164. Published online : 2011  01.

Efficacy of mechanical, cultural and chemical methods on weed suppression and yield of lentil

Singh V.K.1,*, Dixit Vivek1, Singh Rohitashav1, Barthwal Ashutosh1

1Dept. of Agronomy, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, U.S.Nagar (Uttatrakhand)

*E-mail - vksagro@gmail.com


A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2007–08 and 2008–09 on the mollisols of Pantnagar (Uttrakhand). Twelve treatments consisted of two tillage practices (zero and conventional), two varieties (small seeded-Pant L-4 and bold seeded- Pant L-5) and three levels of weed management (weedy check, hand weeding, (HW) 30 DAS and pendimethalin 1 kg/ha as PRE) were set out in split plot design keeping tillage practices and variety in the main plot and weed management practices in sub plots with four replications. Results revealed that zero tillage recorded higher weeds density viz, Cyperus rotundus and total dry matter of weeds per unit area than that of conventional tillage. Weed density and dry weight remained unaffected under both the varieties. Hand weeding done at 30 DAS controlled the weeds more effectively than PRE application of pendimethalin 1 kg/ha. Conventional tillage out yielded zero tillage. Most of the yields attributing characters were higher in conventional tillage. Small seeded variety Pant L-4 gave significantly higher grain yield than that of bold seeded Pant L-5 during both the years. HW 30 DAS and PRE application of pendimethalin 1 kg/ha being on par produced significantly more grain yield of lentil than weedy check during the first year at 30 DAS out yielded remaining weed management practices.



Conventional tillage, Zero tillage, Cultural methods, Lentil, Weed management.


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