Screening for antipathogenicity of weeds Sarathambal C.1,*, Chourasiya Anjana1, Barman K.K.1 1Directorate of Weed Science Research, Maharajpur, Adhartal, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) *E-mail: saratha6@gmail.com
Abstract A total of 11 weeds were collected and screened for their antimicrobial activity against plant and human pathogens. Antimicrobial compounds of weeds were extracted with three different solvent viz. methanol, chloroform and petroleum ether of varying polarity. The results revealed that the petroleum ether extract of Lucas aspera was most effective against the Fusarium oxysporum, Colletotricum falcatum and C. capsici. The methanol extract of Phyllanthus niruri was showing highest antimicrobial activity against the human pathogens such as Entrococcus coli, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus amylovorus. Similarly, chloroform extract of L. aspera recorded the highest inhibition zone against the Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella typhi. Among the 11 weeds, L. aspera and P niruri were found having more antimicrobial activity against most of the selected plant and human pathogens. Top Keywords Weed extract, Antimicrobial activity, Biocontrol. Top | | | |
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