Persistence of pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen at different temperature and moisture levels in an alfisol and vertisol Sireesha A.1,*, Rao P.C.1, Swapna G.1, Ramalakshmi Ch.S.1 1AICRP on weed control, ANGRAU, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) *E-mail: sireesha_291@yahoo.co.in
Abstract Persistence of pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen in an alfisol and vertisol was studied at three moisture levels (at saturation, Field Capacity and 50 % Field Capacity) and at two temperature levels (10 + 2°C and 27+ 2°C) for 137 days in the laboratory. Degradation of pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen was more rapid at high temperature and moisture levels. The disappearance curve/semi logarithmic plot followed first order kinetics with two distinct pathways, an initial faster rate followed by a slower and more gradual disappearance. Halflife values for pendimethalin varied from 35.45 to 108.28 in alfisol and from 28.28 to 91.84 in vertisol; for oxyfluorfen half life values varied from 97.60 to 192.50 in Alfisols and 90.05 to 147.44 in vertisols. Top Key word Half life, Herbicide degradation rate, Residue of herbicides. Top | | | |
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