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Year : 2011, Volume : 43, Issue : 3and4
First page : ( 169) Last page : ( 171)
Print ISSN : 0253-8040. Online ISSN : 0974-8164. Published online : 2011  01.

Efficacy of imazethapyr on weed management in soybean

Meena D.S.*,1, Ram Baldev1, Jadon Chaman1, Tetarwal J. P.1

1Agricultural Research Station, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Ummedganjfarm, Kota (Rajasthan)

*E-mail: meenads1967@yahoo.co.in


The experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of post emergence applications of imazethapyr on weed control and soybean yield. The field was infested with grassy weeds (51.6%), broad leaf weeds (34.1%) and sedges (13.2%). Application of imazethapyr XL 10% SL at 150 g/ha as post emergence significantly reduced the density of all grassy, broad leaf weeds sedges and their dry weight, and provided maximum number of branches/plant, pods/plant, seeds/pod and seed yield as compared to weedy check and imazethapyr 10% at 50 g/ha. Infestation of weeds throughout the growth period caused 57.2% reduction in seed yield of soybean. Maximum seed yield (1075 kg/ha) and weed control efficiency of grasses (86.9%), broad leaf (88.4%) and sedges (73.0%) was obtained with 2 hand weeding at 20 and 40 days after sowing closely followed by imazethapyr XL 10% at 150 g/ha (957 kg/ha). Application of imazethapyr XL 10% SL at 100 g/ha recorded significantly higher net return (Rs 14,237/ha) and B: C ratio (1.68) followed by imazethapyr XL 10% at 150 g/ha over weedy check and imazethapyr XL 10% at 50 g/ha.



Soybean, Imazethapyr formulations Weed control efficiency, Yield attributes, Yield.


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