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Year : 2011, Volume : 43, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 73) Last page : ( 76)
Print ISSN : 0253-8040. Online ISSN : 0974-8164. Published online : 2011  01.

Integrated weed management in indian mustard and its residual effect on succeeding fodder pearl millet

Degra M. L.4, Pareek B. L.4,1, Shivran R. K.4,2, Jat R. D.4,3

4Agricultural Research Station, Durgapura, Jaipur-203 012 (Rajasthan), India

1Department of Agronomy, RAU, Bikaner (Rajasthan), India.

2ARS, Ummedganj, Kota (Rajasthan), India.

3CCSHAU, Hisar (Haryana), India.


A field experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Farm, ARS, Durgapura, Jaipur during 2003–05 on loamy sand soils analyzing low in available N and S and medium in available P and K. The increasing rates of S did not influence the weed density by markedly increasing the dry matter of weeds. Hand weeding twice showed the maximum control of weeds, which was significantly superior to other treatments. The successive rates of S nutrition upto 60 kg S/ha markedly enhanced the dry matter, siliquae, seeds/siliqua and seed yield plant in both the years. However, plant height and 1000-seed weight showed significant response only upto 40 kg S/ha and remained at par with higher levels of S nutrition. The yield of succeeding fodder pearl millet was highest (370.0 q/ha) weed control measures brought about measurable improvement in growth and yield attributes, and yield of mustard compared with the weedy check. The two HW being at par with the herbicides coupled with HW increased the pooled mean seed yield of mustard significantly by 46.3% over weedy check. The application of 60 kg S/ha recorded significantly highest (Rs. 21077/ha) pooled mean, net return and B: C ratio (2.51) of mustard over lower levels. Two HW being at par with both the herbicides coupled with HW gave highest net return (Rs. 20050/ha), whereas B: C ratio was significantly higher under isoproturon @ 0.50 kg/ha with 60 kg S/ha.



Mustard, Fodder pearl millet, Integrated weed management, Nitrogen, Sulphur.


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